Package Terms

Monthly Membership: This is a monthly auto-renewing contract entitling you to up to either one or thirty virtual, interactive classes per month (depending on the purchased package). You will also get unlimited access to our recorded classes while your account is in good standing. You agree to store your card on file with us for a set monthly charge. Only the named user can attend classes. Additional on-screen users will be charged at a reduced drop-in rate unless otherwise negotiated. This package is not share-able, transferable, nor refundable and class credits do not carry over to subsequent periods. NB: This package will auto-renew every month until canceled by you in writing/email or using our website’s self-service functionality. Cancellation notices must be received more the one week prior to the auto-renew date.

Family package addendum: All terms above apply with the exception that designated family members may share the package.

Weekly Membership: This is a weekly auto-renewing package that entitles you to up to one or three virtual interactive classes (depending on the package purchased) plus unlimited access to our recorded classes while your account is in good standing. You agree to store your card on file with us for a set monthly charge. Only the named user can attend classes. Additional on-screen users will be charged at using their separate package or at the current drop-in rate. This package is not share-able, transferable, nor refundable. Class credits do no carry over to any subsequent periods. NB: This package will auto-renew until canceled by you in writing/email or by using our website’s self-service functionality. Cancellation notices must be received more the one week prior to the auto-renew date.

Single Class Drop-in/Class packs: This purchase entitles the named user to access a single or multiple virtual, interactive classes (depending on the package purchased). Any additional users wishing to participate — even while using the same link as another user - is required to pay for access separately. This purchase is non-refundable nor transferrable. If class is canceled due to an issue with the teacher or technology, your class credit will be applied to the next class of your choosing.